Los Angeles Business Attorney


What is a Los Angeles Litigation Lawyer?

A Los Angeles litigation lawyer differs from a typical lawyer because they are not involved in criminal law. Simply stated, litigation is the process that a law suit goes through in court. A litigation lawyer handles the law suit throughout the process.

Not every litigation attorney covers the same type of cases. Litigation cases can range from personal injury to malpractice suits. Many attorneys pick a specialty, while others will be open to almost any litigation case. It is not uncommon for them to take on whole companies, or groups of companies all at once. This is because some suits, like work place hazards, often involve more than one party to file against. It is the attorney’s job to determine who is at fault, even if that means numerous sources, and to file accordingly.

This is an area of law that focuses on the specific details involved in each case. Because of this litigation attorneys know and are prepared to go through the long process. Most times these suits are not open and shut cases. Information continues to be gathered as the case goes on, and in the event of injuries, progress or lack thereof, in the healing process must be documented and added to the case.

Finding a Los Angeles litigation lawyer is normally the easiest step in the process. They work on a contingency basis, not taking their fees until the case has been settled. This is normal practice even in larger firms where a team of attorneys may be working on the same case. If the suit fails the clients do not have to pay, in most cases. The contract regarding fees and services are agreed upon before the case begins.

Some cases that may seem simple for someone to litigate on their own almost always turn out better when a litigation attorney is present. This is because successful litigation requires knowledge of the law. Each litigation may have different procedures that need to be followed. Depending on the case there are different rules and timelines that must be followed. Each state also has varying laws that govern litigation. Each litigator will be licensed and have the expertise for the state they practice in.